Friday, October 16, 2009


I BROKE MY FINGER(pinky) wthh!?

i broke my finger!!...i think...... everything's going wrong lately and ontop of all that my finger is swollen purple demented and apparently broken T^T how!? lol i have volley ball classes for school and hell there's alot of competition, and as i blocked a smash the guy hit(more like smashed) the ball and my fingers backward.. now it's all disgusting hahahah.. from Chaki's pov, it needs to be chopped off  ¬___¬;;

and my boss is an asshole! lol at that point i didn't know it was broken yet, i got to the job and showed it to my cousin(she's the cashier there) that has seen a broken finger before and that's exactly how it's suppose to look O__O like what!? lol so obviously i head to see the boss and tell him that my finger's a mess and i cannot roll, cut, decorate or prepare sushis cuz all of that requires using my fingers.... and then he goes "it's okai we're not in a rush just do it slowly" is there any better reason to call off???? lol the only way to get a day off is probably.... like... being in a coma or vegetative state... but then again i'd have to call in to tell em. this gook wants his money bad.. he dun care how you feel lol as long as his restaurant is running ¬_¬ lol so i had to go thru the whole shift with a broken finger.. fucking asshole

anyways "co Phuong" called the CLSC for me and they told us that there isnt much to do about a broken finger the best thing i could do is to restrain it from moving and puttin it in ice for the swelling, cuz it's just going to heal by itself.. but i'm thinking maybe i should still go see the doctor .___.