Friday, April 30, 2010


you guys have probably seen or heard of drum machines. they're boxes like what CAV3(hiphop artist) made(youtube him up lol), with keys and each key has a preset sound saved on it. so instead of going thru the trouble of recording all the drums and bass and all, they can make a beat on the go whereever. all that to say.. oh just watch the videos it's self explainatory....

"Japanese electronic artists HIFANA made a big impact here in the states with their revolutionary Nike Music Shoe web-mercial Bending and stepping in the Nike Free Run+ allowed the duo to mix their ‘The Big Beat’-like break into something entirely new and entertaining, but you’ve gotta wonder how they did it.  It’s not like Nike Free Run+es, as comfy as they are, come out the box ‘in tune’, so a video after the jump that explains how they were able to integrate sole-borne sensors with Ableton Live to create the mix, is one of the more fascinating clips we’ve had for you here on Sneaker News.  Click the link below to watch the making of ‘Nike Music Shoe’."

those guys are geniuses. genuine cool-ness haha
just look how elaborate it was to make it o__O

haha just felt like sharing ^^ neways it's weekend! yey!!
am i the only one that's not on vacation yet? yeah my life sucks....

Monday, April 26, 2010


"i got my money on my mind and my mind on my money, so i stay stressed out cuz money is so hard to find. even when i do find a little, i always end up shovin' it in the pocket of somebody that has a ton of it."

yeah.... real talk