Tuesday, May 11, 2010

KENNY WEST on the The Cleveland show

hahahahah this is so dope!! you guys must watch this!

since i saw this clip right here, i've started watching the cleveland show, it's hella funny. i always thought that it was a ripoff of family guy and there was no way it could be as good, a little like futurama is to the simpsons. but dayum i was wrong. its even better.

oh and yah, that is Kanye there

anyways.... wow the semester is coming to an end(2 weeks left), and i have hell alot of things i need to finish up and to study for...

things i've got to work on:
+ Anthropologie essay + Methodologie final report + oral + Sociologie essay +
+ Studies for + fucking math exam + metho + psycho + socio + anthropo +++

- TUBING... shit

ok, guys, stop distracting a muthafucka..