Saturday, August 15, 2009

d i l e m m a // x[ HELP ME!!!!

i love sneakers! they're like the new crack haha i just started building my own mini sneaker collection and planning to get like a lil shoes shelf as soon as i have enough to like fill in the thing lol caaannn't waittt haha for the time being i'll just have to do with the shoes i got!! neways today i was confronted with this super "important dilemma" xDD and some ungrateful ppl refused to help me out so i seek help from my bloggies =] help me guys which way is besttt??? =[[[

[12:18:23 AM] [Є]τ-[с]ђוו : i laced my shoes in 2 different ways to see which one is better but idk... =/ lol
[12:19:05 AM] Ti.Na: -_- what kind of a dilemma is that LOL gawd
[12:20:33 AM] [Є]τ-[с]ђוו : LOL its important! xD
[12:20:56 AM] Ti.Na: sure whatever
you suck tina.... u___u

these are my latest pair of kicks the "Nike WMNS Vandal Hi Premium" lol they're actually women's shoes but they were so nice i just had to get me a pair haha so i simply got size 10 for women cuz i wear 9 for men and it fits =D hah

neways so look at the laces guys =[ which wayy is better? xD haha on the left it's a sort of diagonal checkered criss cross and on the right its more of a straight type of lacing but with a lil hook on the sides loll i kno it may not say much to some but xDD it took me alot of time to figure out how to lace theses up! haha thanks guys!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

SHOUTOUT! just 1 l o l

so i saw ur lil post haha


so my cousin doan's wedding is coming real soon. i still can't believe that it's only in like.. 3 weeks. i really don't know what to wear still x__X i've been shopping around for stuffs but it's so depressing just browsing around and never finding exactly what you're looking for. haha neways even i'm a little excited for this =]] maybe because it's the 1st time i attend a wedding in which the bride and groom are actually somewhere close to my age, maybe it's because my gf is tagging along this time <333>or mayyybbbeee i'm just getting excited knowing that there'll b lotsa drinks hahah well w/e it is i'm sure it'll b a lot of fun. tina's really excited fo sho.

so since my last post..
lol the club "Select" was the bomb ;] partying with oldass ppl, my gf, jo, dan, jp, jo's mom AND grandma was a blast hahah
SUN09: work.... =[
MON10: what i had in mind today was to buy some gears for doan's wedding. like iunno.. a dress for ngan, a dress shirt, some shoes iunno.. and a nice pair of pants for me.... but what happened is that we walked all day looking around never finding what we were looking for and i ended up with a new cap. awesome .___. hahah well AT LEAST, it's a nice cap ;]

so it's not LTM <__<;; but MTL lol silly mirror....