Tuesday, August 11, 2009


so my cousin doan's wedding is coming real soon. i still can't believe that it's only in like.. 3 weeks. i really don't know what to wear still x__X i've been shopping around for stuffs but it's so depressing just browsing around and never finding exactly what you're looking for. haha neways even i'm a little excited for this =]] maybe because it's the 1st time i attend a wedding in which the bride and groom are actually somewhere close to my age, maybe it's because my gf is tagging along this time <333>or mayyybbbeee i'm just getting excited knowing that there'll b lotsa drinks hahah well w/e it is i'm sure it'll b a lot of fun. tina's really excited fo sho.

so since my last post..
lol the club "Select" was the bomb ;] partying with oldass ppl, my gf, jo, dan, jp, jo's mom AND grandma was a blast hahah
SUN09: work.... =[
MON10: what i had in mind today was to buy some gears for doan's wedding. like iunno.. a dress for ngan, a dress shirt, some shoes iunno.. and a nice pair of pants for me.... but what happened is that we walked all day looking around never finding what we were looking for and i ended up with a new cap. awesome .___. hahah well AT LEAST, it's a nice cap ;]

so it's not LTM <__<;; but MTL lol silly mirror....

1 comment:

Tinaa said...

you'll find something... you better find something! That hat makes you look like a tourist..