Sunday, June 28, 2009

B A M ! again... and more!

ever since i got my driver's liscence, i've been told that a car is convenient but it inevitably comes with a cost. well yeah it's true that the gas, the insurance and the car itself all together does end up quite an expense. but regardless, i'm still saving up hoping that i'll soon own my own car(probably something second hand somwhere in between 2k and 4k). right now i'm driving my dad's ford focus that's litterally falling apart. anyways, the bullshit is that about 2 weeks ago some toyota matrix hit me on a red light and that case is still unsolved(i don't know what's the insurance final verdict on the events) but it'll most likely make my insurance go up... eff... what's even more stupid is that yesterday as i was backing up i got honked and it maded me hit a friggin parked car lol... now i'm trying to get a hold on the owner of that vehicle but maybe they're on vacation or something, seems like they are never home. this is so fucked... i'm so fucked it's not even funny lol anyways all of this is making me think if i should really be buying my own car already. maybe i should wait a little more just to get used to this new way of transportation because i have to admit i still need practice, i am way too reckless on the road. even though my reckless-ness hasn't been the cause of my accidents but still...


on a happier note: my best friend Alain that's on an intern in chicoutimi is back for the weekend! lol we went out to eat yesterday it was quite a blast. i had filet mignon and i bought us some african red whine. usually i hate red whine, it just always gives me sucha bad headache and doesn't even taste good! BUT this one wasn't so bad, i could even say that it was quite refreshing. it was fruity, not too strong but still had that hint of alcohol. it was nice... we then went to toke some shisha(hookah) at this little tea salon called orienthé and we caught up i guess lol i can't wait for him to finish his intern so we can cruise on our longboards again. anyways afterwards we went to meet up with another old friend and... i don't know... it was sorta fun i guess, but a little too much imo. he maded us drink 2 cups of xoxo cognac which was completely disgusting but we couldn't just leave to waste(so damn expensive for something so nasty) some vodka and some beers... me and alain we were so tired when we got back to his place that we fell asleep on his couch and now this is when i got home to blog everything down haha anyways what i mean to say is that when we just grew up i used to think that partying hard was the way to have fun. but as i grew i think that i've realized that minh's way of life isn't right anymore... for example, yesterday, personally, i thought that getting to spend time to catch up with alain was way more fun than getting to down all that alcohol. i just think that minh's missing out on alot he somehow stopped growing and is now in his little world that he think is "the truth" where money and materialistic things rule everything. we've been telling him to be more open minded and that there is more to life than just having alot of big and expensive things. as for me i think that experience, fulfilling-ness and bonds comes over the materialistic but i guess he's just too stubborn lol... and by his own selfishness and pride our group of friends is slowly splitting up and drifting away. which is unfortunate because not many people get to have the bonds and friendship we shared. anyways haha overall on my day? it was fun with some disapointment now and then, but that's how it is everytime we try to get a hold on minh and calvin lol.

good day everybody!

(i'm working today noooooo!!!!!! T____T)

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