Tuesday, September 29, 2009


omg i have so many exams coming up! i need to study study study and stay focus! loll i dun have a second to lose!!(yet, im blogging right now hahahah) anyways! this upcoming week is prolly where a big part of my semester will b played, i will have 60% of my math class stacked and a good percentage of my other classes done. ahh.... lol okok gogogo TTY'ALL HOMEBOYZ LATER ><;;

thurs oct 1st - math lab test + gym vball test
fri oct 2nd - bio exam(big exam)
mon oct 4th - history exam(big exam) + histo h/w to hand in(10%-ish)
tues oct 5th - math "h/w test"
thurs oct 8th - math exam(big exam)

.___________________________. shit..

i like =]


janet h said...

oui jaime ca comment tu dis que t'es pas de seconde a perdre pi tu blogues x) HAHA :P

etchii said...
