Tuesday, October 20, 2009

hallowwweeennn!! 12days to go YEY!

hahahh well for some reason this year i'm all super excited that halloween is coming. Fall smells like the farm all the time and its always grey out and it's getting cold and it's raining most of the time.. but i like it! lol for some odd reason i can't help but to think that i got influenced by "somebody" ;] haha anyways halllooowwweeennn is coming =O and i spent all saturday evening carving my pumpkin regardless of my broken finger.. it turned out awesssooommmeee!! lol i just hope that it won't rot before the 31st(in 12 days) =S hahah it took alot of time but it's not that hard. this is my very 1st pumpkin carving ever btw.. you just gotta have patience i guess(ngan gave up right after we emptied the pumpkins bouuuh!, it took us 45mins to get em nice and clean)

look this is "SUMBODY" that wasn't patient enough to finish up her pumpkin carving and just left it there to go watch Mr. and Mrs. Smith ¬_¬


"Step 1) Preparation for an easy cleanup, place your pumpkin on several layers of newspaper before carving. Clean the outside of the pumpkin with a rag moistened with water to remove dirt and debris.
Step 2) Draw and cut a six-sided lid, big enough so you can reach in and clean out all the pumpkin gunk. Angle a saw or knife toward the center of the pumpkin to create a ledge that supports the lid. Make sure the hole is large enough to reach in and pull out the seeds and stringy membrane. The bottom of the pumpkin could also be cut off instead; this will allow the pumpkin to sit up straight and make removing the seeds easier.
Step 3) Clean and scrape using the flat-edged ice cream scoop or the special pumpkin scoop, clean out the seeds and strings. Where you plan to carve, scrape the pumpkin wall until it's about one inch thick. If carving a challenging pattern, scrape the pumpkin so that the wall is about one-half inch thick.
Step 4) Print/draw and attach the pattern, print or draw the pattern and tape or pin it to your pumpkin. If you use pins, place them on the design lines so you don't end up with holes you don't want!
The pattern may need to be slightly folded to fit on a rounded pumpkin. Fold the pattern so that the pattern lines match up.
If the pattern is too large or too small, you can use a copier to reduce or enlarge.
Step 5) Transfer the design using a pushpin, or a poker tool, make pinpoint marks 1/16" to 1/8" apart along the design lines. Check to see you have transferred the design completely, then take the pattern off the pumpkin.
Step 6) Saw the design using the carving saws saw dot-to-dot using a gentle up and down motion. Saw gently, the saws can break if they are forced."
it's astro boy =D

1 comment:

Ngan Do said...

enleve ma photo, c pas moiii la somebodyy qui fait riennnnnnn :P