Sunday, November 15, 2009

[MV]Tae Yang - Wedding Dress

i'm still working on my school-ing!!!!!
mon nov 16th - history test
tues nov 17th - math h/w test(ongoing untill thurs)
fri nov 20th - bio exam(big exam)
&& NGAN'S 19TH BUTTDAY!!!!!!!! yaaayyy <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3  haha
mon nov 23rd - math exam(big exam)

haha see how her b-day just drops in right in the middle of alot of stuffs + i got 2 days where i have work(thurs and sun) that's exactly why i need to stay very focused! i don't have much time left and alot to do!!

lol neways hey Tae Yang[Big Bang]'s new MV just came out or i just recently saw it last night and i must say the song is quite nice, the mv is nothing special but it's a nice song nevertheless:

enjoy ;]
sometime korean MVs make no sense o.O lol at the end, Tae Yang and anonymous both are about to ask the girl for marriage, only that anonymous was faster and what i think to understand is that she likes anonymous more.. but how do they get to both wanting to ask her in marriage at the same time!? don't they have the dating proccess before all that in korea?? looolll neways! lol we just have to take it as it is i guess xD crazy koreans...
and what i didn't know was: could it be that tae yang's a star trek fan!? =O
cuz he cosplayed as Worf in the MV even the mohawk matches
peaaaceee ya'll~

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