Saturday, January 9, 2010


wow i have not blogged in a while heh? well MERRY XMAS everybody and wish you all a fresh and successful new start cuz we just entered into a new decade, 2010 =O haha remember how back then everything was "2000" and those 4 numbers just maded everything sound so modern and futuristic?? even in Back to the Futur, the futur was in 2015. hell lol that's like 5 years from now and they'll have hover boards, flying cars and self-lacing nike boots, krayyyzzziiieee yoh can't wait!! haha

first of all, i spent an amazing new year in Toronto with my beloved family and girlfriend~

in 3D(yeh.. we watched Avatar)

Kelly, Josephine, Ngan, Me, Tina, Ni, Hieu, Steven, Andrew, Amy, Megan, Aydee, Martin and Erick,(Doik is taking the picture)

anyways, it was dope! countdown was awesome so many confettis. nothing really compares to my family haha ^^

new year's resolution:
1) i need to keep my grades up!(at least 5% above the average)
2) go gym-ing regularly(let's say aim for somwhere in between 145-155lbs)
3) save some mulla$
4) get a good base at the guitar

so YESH, here goesss nothhhiiinnggg haha

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